Content is Queen and I am her loyal servant.


I have a very particular set of skills; skills I have acquired over a very long career; skills that make me a nightmare for people in search of a long, relaxing content trip. I’ve developed a personal process and strategy for planning and executing content trips that are so successful it has given me the nickname, The King. The secret is in a flawless plan with hours of research and work poured in behind the scenes. My team works with local fixers domestically and internationally that know the area better than any website or book ever could. I check historical weather patterns for 10 years. I have a plan, a backup plan, and a backup plan for my backup plan. Nobody wants to wait around and nobody wants to miss activities due to weather. The idea is to make it feel like a fast-paced vacation; one the talent doesn’t have to think about, will wish never ended, and comes away with photos and friendships that last a lifetime.


Creminelli Ambassador Aaron Biittner had a dream to do a food tour through Vietnam and Thailand with stops in Hanoi, Chiang Mai and Bangkok. The mission was to fully immerse himself within both cultures, meet street food vendors, try everything each city had to offer and experience each culture through its food, music and entertainment as part of Creminelli’s “Discover Food Series.”


Celebrity Chef and Creminelli Ambassador Viet Pham has roots in New Orleans but hadn’t been back there since he was a child. He invited his wife and Cristiano Creminelli to come along for the ride. The mission was to hit the Oak Street Po Boy Festival, which is the most dense group of New Orleans Food Vendors in one place at any given time in the year. Viet also met up with Mason Hereford, chef of Turkey and The Wolf (Voted America’s Best Restaurant by Bon Apetit Magazine) and Molly’s Rise and Shine, explored the music scene on Frenchmen Street and took a boat ride in the swamps.

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“The best city to eat in America is…far and away New Orleans.”

-Anthony Bourdain


During the pandemic I wanted to support the local businesses that were hurting the most. In Utah the bar scene was decimated by the closing and not being able to sell take away beverages. I worked with the owner of Alibi Bar SLC, Jacob Hall to help me write a series of cocktail recipes and local food pairings that would be used for social media posts paired with a recipe that could be used for Zoom happy hours or at home.


“I need the anesthetic qualities of the local fire water.”

-Anthony Bourdain


The visual aesthetic that I developed for our snacking shots are more representative of who Creminelli is as a brand than that of any other CPG brand out there. Our core values are Food Discovery, Transparency and Authenticity. That goes for who we are and the people that we work with. We show our products being used in real situations, all of the content trips for snacking shots are developed by the Ambassadors and the talent using our products in real world situations. The idea is to capture the moment instead of staging them. We will plan content trips for product shots around real hikes, fly fishing trips, skateboard sessions, working sessions, or golf outings. We spend the time to allow the talent to enjoy the experience as much as they enjoy our products and capture the moments as they come up naturally.


“To me life without veal stock, pork fat, sausage, organ meat, demi-glace or even stinky cheese is not a life worth living.”

-Anthony Bourdain


Youtube and TV Spots
